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Ascension Astrology

There has been a new energy on the earth recently. The energy of Ascension has been changing the consciousness of people all around the planet and great changes are being demanded everywhere.

The cause of this transformation is the movement of the magnetic grid of the planet. By embracing the qualities of the new energy and letting go of the old energy paradigms we are partaking of the empowerment the present shift is awakening within us.

The ascending influences of astrology are empowering us now and it's time to claim the highest potentials available to us. We are no longer caught up in the struggles of resisting the influences "being done to us" by the stars and planets. It is time to take up our own empowerment and use the highest potentials available through the present energies of astrology.

Read My Recent Posts Below


Your Attractions, Relationships and Partnerships, Including Marriage

The potentials revealed in this section of your Foundation and Complete readings govern the attractions that guide you as you cooperate and participate in relationships within society. Here you find your inherent purpose in the present civilization.

These potentials act as the communicator for your consciousness, influencing how you operate in partnerships. You are driven by the following energies and these aspects are the basis for the relationships that you enjoy within the framework of your creation.

Coordinating the energies of the physical body these energies communicate with and support the potentials found in the 6th section of your reading.


David Lee Williamson

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Your Health, Growth and Service

The planetary aspects revealed in this section of your Foundation or Complete reading are directly related to how you manifest your thought-form body. By focusing on these potentials you manifest your truth, your soul purpose. This is where your physical body responds to your thoughts co-creating with source.

Your focus on and utilization of these potentials are responsible for your great health and wellbeing. Your body is manifested through pure thought-form. These processes empower your immune system to transmute any imbalances in your health. The potentials found here reveal ways in which you may also participate in the healing of the planet and those you relate to.

In this section are found the areas of focus in which your growth and transformation blossom forth.

With Great Love,

David Lee Williamson

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Your Creativity, Life Purpose and Vision

In this section of your Foundation or Complete reading you find the planetary aspects revealing your highest potentials. These potentials give you the vision that you project onto your creation. This vision originates from your personal ties to inter-dimensional realms. These aspects reveal your planetary, evolutionary purpose as an agent for the great collective consciousness, Source.

As you express these potentials, you become a lens, condensing and bringing your great light into focus. This is the point at which the power of your vision can operate in your creation for the achievement of your purpose. Here you find the point of pure thought, the giving and receiving of unconditional love that balances your life force, releasing your fears related to love and intimacy. By allowing pure love to fill your being, your body is enabled to operate at peak efficiency.

This is the consciousness level of your EXPRESSION. This level leads you to where you express your understanding of yourself. The highest level of expression here is the JOY of your divine source. Focusing your vision upwards from this level of your consciousness fills you with gratitude and pleasure.

The way in which these creative processes work within your consciousness, and how they are conditioned as you follow your hunches and the power of your imagination, are revealed here.

Loving Light,

David Lee Williamson

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Your Home and Foundation Through Your Family and Ancestry

This section shows the soil that secures the foundation in which you are rooted. It is through the planetary aspects in this section that your incarnation descends. These potentials form the heart and fundamental rhythms of your expression in this life.

Deeply examining these energies will guide you in remembering your own Divinity. In this section you find life energy through stored emotional memories.

The influences of these potentials begin to mobilize and direct the energies, found in this section, spontaneously. This is sometimes referred to as having a gut feeling. Following the potentials here will help dissolve your doubts and fears helping to alleviate stress in your life.

These potentials reveal how your heritage influences your present expression. Being aware of the energies contained here empowers the Will energies presented in the 3rd section of your Foundation or Complete reading and can help lead you to full consciousness.

The level of consciousness here is LOVE and HEALING. Here you find the means to be compassionate and the ability to communicate and form relationships. The higher consciousness here is childlike, showing you how to have fun as you merge with your divinity and explore your oneness.

Some cultures honor or even worship their ancestors. This is a tool that helps them to raise their focus when reflecting on the lineage they have incarnated through.

Whenever you experience problems with a relationship, it is important that you take the person or object that is making you look down and raise them up by acknowledging their divinity. Just the act of looking upward at them will begin to heal your ability to relate with them.

With Divine Love

David Lee Williamson

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Your Motivations, Impulses, Intentions and Desires

From the time of your birth, in your earliest newborn environment, your motivations and impulses had already begun expression in your interactions with those around you. These natural expressions from the planetary aspects governing this part of your life give you an inner sense of protection.

Your character was already in place and this shaped the foundation for the development of your insights and intuition–your consciousness. This 3rd section of your Foundation or Complete reading is a connection point for your highest self. It is the seat of your will. (The aspects found in your 5th section are what regulate this energy of the 3rd.)

It is possible to see these potentials expressing in your experiences, in your direct personal contact with your personal environment. You have developed a distinct set of habits in expressing your intentions.

This level of consciousness, gives you the power of DISCERNMENT. This is the level of knowledge and reason where you form the opinions and beliefs that give you the ideas used to produce thought forms that give you the drive and assertion to set and implement the choices you make. As your judgments, opinions and beliefs empower you, they also empower those in your energetic field, thus you feel wonderful and find yourself looking upward.

When you find your judgments, etc. causing you to look down, smiling and laughing at yourself helps you begin doing and thinking things that raise your consciousness.

In Loving Light,

David Lee Williamson

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Your Values, Talents and Security

The 2nd section of your Foundation or Complete reading relates to your values on the material level and is attuned to the 1st section. The level of consciousness related to in this section pertains to your CREATIVITY. These are the potentials of your artistic and inventive talents. As you learn to bring your values and talents into harmony with your passions and self-expression, your sense of security brings you peace akin to bliss.

The values defined by the planetary aspects in this section determine how you acquire property and possessions. In creating your experiences you learn to adapt the variables of these situations to your passions as you create the world around you with your choices moment by moment. Your sense of empathy then adapts the nuances of your creation with the collective. This helps you integrate your choices with the choices of those around you weaving the intricacies of duality into your creations.

Keeping in tune with those values you find important will keep you empowered. When you feel dependent on fulfilling the values of those influences outside of your own connection to Gaia you may feel a need to jumpstart your creativity using desire, anger and pride. Though these energies seem to supply you with power, they do not empower since these levels of consciousness are still dependent on something outside of you. Notice which way you focus your eyes when you use those levels of consciousness while creating.

By stopping and consciously focusing your vision upwards, thinking of and surrounding yourself with that which you love you will find yourself empowered by courage. As you adapt and integrate, a feeling of neutrality will arise within you leading to a willingness, not only to accept your own empowerment, but also to facilitate the empowerment of everyone in your creation.

Remain In The Light,

David Lee Williamson

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Your Physical Body, SELF Expression and Personality

This is the title of the 1st section of your story, given in your Foundation and Complete readings, and reveals the highest potentials of your outer personality and physical constitution. In this section you will learn how you interact with your environment. This is the meeting point between you and the external world.

The potentials revealed through the interactions of the planets show how the world sees you via the light you bring to the planet. These potentials anchor you to Gaia and the planetary grids. These are the potentials you use to attune the higher universal energies to her to help maintain the efficiency of her magnetic, crystalline and gravitational grids.

Gaia’s grids also attune your life force to hers through these grids, allowing you to transcend the mere survival codes of your DNA, filling you with inspiration for high creative service. Within, you carry a supporting passion for life, which is prepared to do whatever it takes to keep you alive. This passion stems from pure love and an innate understanding of your divinity.

At birth, most babies know they are worthy of love and attention and know they will be taken care of unconditionally. Babies and young children are nearly always looking upward from their vantage point. Remember to look up. Programming, from your past lives, tends to color your experiences, so that, worthiness issues start to be imprinted and rewritten by these experiences.

If you hand over your power, and submit to an outside authority, you tend to “bow” to their orders. If you later change your mind and wish to live differently than the outside authority allows, this may cause you to look down and loose your inner balance. Shame, guilt, apathy, grief, and/or fear may arise in you as your passion for life begins feeling that you have endangered yourself. “Will this higher authority still love us?” we ask ourselves, “Will we loose the promised rewards?” etc.

Through these potentials you become empowered from within. Use them to feel your inner passion for life through your connection to the grids. Whenever your awareness of your creation doesn’t feel good, simply stop everything and look upward. Think of, and surround yourself with, the things that make you feel wonderful. Your inner baby knows you are worthy of it.

Loving Light,

David Lee Williamson

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Myra Dianne Williamson’s Highest Ascended Expression

Please understand that what you accept and own about yourself forms the identity you assume. Your higher self is the true you, embodying your Highest Ascended Expression. By acknowledging you are your highest self, you begin intimately connecting to the divine source of the universe.

Masters understand that just as a human child is a human, so a child of god is a god. This is your new identity, now, as you raise your consciousness and remember who you are. Welcome your newly realized divinity. Your opening heart is ready to receive this.

Acknowledge who you really are!!!

How you express to those around you is revealed below in the description of your potential natural talents and abilities. Your friends may be able to see this in you before you do because this is your innate expression and is how those around you see you. As you acknowledge the attributes of your highest potentials, this expression becomes more pronounced, especially as you begin to gracefully accept your Divine heritage…

“Your quiet strength and determination inspires others to trust you. You are very dependable, loving and patient. You have a definite purpose in everything you do. You accomplish your desires through sheer persistence and stamina. You can be a stabilizing, grounding force for the people around you, which is part of your soul-purpose.

You are sensuous and you fill your life with personal comfort and physical pleasure. You are practical with an appreciative eye for both monetary value as well as aesthetic beauty. You are a lover of nature and natural things. Your harmony in life is tied to reality and the material world.

You love music and art and have considerable talent in these areas. You have a pleasant speaking or singing voice. You have a lively sense of humor, and enjoy socializing.

Your soul development in this lifetime involves fully immersing yourself in matter, the physical world, and your senses. You very much enjoy the fruits of the earth in a simple, uncomplicated way.

You have a deep rapport with nature and its rhythms, and if you cannot live in the country, you need at least to have a view of some natural beauty or to be surrounded with living or growing things. You have a strong affinity for plants. Regular contact with the land, forests, mountains, or your garden restores you.”

“You Are Divine Love”

These are your Highest Potentials. There are many diverse ways of expression and you may choose another way to express elevated consciousness in the world.

However, manifesting these potentials in your life will require less effort, since they are already part of your makeup.

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David Lee Williamson’s Highest Ascended Expression

Please understand that what you accept and own about yourself forms the identity you assume. Your higher self is the true you, embodying your Highest Ascended Expression. By acknowledging you are your highest self, you begin intimately connecting to the divine source of the universe.

Masters understand that just as a human child is a human, so a child of god is a god. This is your new identity, now, as you raise your consciousness and remember who you are. Welcome your newly realized divinity. Your opening heart is ready to receive this.

Acknowledge who you really are!!!

How you express to those around you is revealed below in the description of your potential natural talents and abilities. Your friends may be able to see this in you before you do because this is your innate expression and is how those around you see you. As you acknowledge the attributes of your highest potentials, this expression becomes more pronounced, especially as you begin to gracefully accept your Divine heritage…

“You are granted authority in religious realms. You understand and teach the meanings revealed to you by ancient wisdom. Other highly placed personalities recognize your wisdom and become your patrons.

Famous in areas of the arts, you are fond of traveling. You do good, are valorous, and strong. You possess a significant leadership personality.

You understand and accept your part in the larger social order of all men. Vital life force is your celestial heritage and you use it to inspire others as well as yourself.

You are a doer. When you set out to accomplish something you are determined to succeed. You are a responsible “take-charge person” on whom others rely to get things moving.

The truth that each of us is essentially alone and that we must ultimately answer to ourselves regarding our choices in life is one that resonates deeply within you. Thus, your first loyalty is to yourself and to living your own life as authentically as possible.

When you are most yourself, you are a risk taker, a trailblazer, forging your own path rather than following anyone else’s lead. You have the courage to do so, boldly asserting yourself and following your own star – standing alone when necessary – fulfilling your life purpose.

You love being an original or a pioneer. Your independence, autonomy, and freedom are very important to you, and at heart you really do not want to be distracted from your purposes or encumbered by responsibilities unrelated to your path. Your lifestyle and work reflect your strong impulses to be self-reliant as well as to create something NEW, reflecting in you as inner harmony. In this lifetime you are charged with the assignment of being a creative force and a leader, of breaking new ground, doing things, which are unprecedented and original.

You want those around you to be fulfilled and you balance that desire with fulfillment of your own self-interests.

You are spiritually inclined, the harnessing and using of anger constructively, helps you on your path.

You are self-motivated and self-sustaining. While you can learn from a teacher or a master, you must recognize that ultimately your truth lies within, and you have to paddle your own canoe. Uncompromising honesty and reliance on your own resources are required.”

“You Are Divine Love”

These are your Highest Potentials. There are many diverse ways of expression and you may choose another way to express elevated consciousness in the world.

However, manifesting these potentials in your life will require less effort, since they are already part of your makeup.

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Levels Of Consciousness

Having examined some of the empowering concepts the masters use to empower their lives it is time to begin examining our varying levels of consciousness.

Following our passions and living our dreams is akin to following a path along a precipice through the mountains. As long as we keep our focus ahead and take things step by steps toward our subsequent goal, keeping a clear vision of where we are going, we will easily move along our path.

Only by failing to have a clear vision and looking down from our visions, do we loose our balance. Have you ever worried about whether you will suddenly fall from the sidewalk and into the grass when you were taking a walk? The steep drop-offs along the edge of the cliff present no more danger to us than the grass along the side of the sidewalk. It is the illusion that the drop offs are dangerous that puts us off balance.

So one of the most important understandings we need to be able to follow our passions is, “don’t look down”. By seeing clearly where we are going we then safely and quickly arrive where we are heading without even knowing how we did it. All of us have done this while driving a car, riding a bike or doing something else.

It may seem odd but the way we focus our attention has a great bearing in how we feel.

Try it yourself, focus your eyes upward and try to feel sad or angry. It is difficult to feel these emotions when we look up with our eyes. Now look downwards with your eyes and try to feel love or joy. Of course it is possible with some effort but joy does not come natural when we focus our eyes downward nor does anger come easily while focusing our eyes up.

Looking up has a natural empowering feeling and focusing our eyes downwards can easily disempower us. Think of something that empowers you or disempowers you and where do your eyes focus? This is the source of the description of feeling up or feeling down.

Understanding this mechanism of consciousness gives us a seemingly magical tool we can use to change our experience in an instant. The reason we look down when we feel disempowered is that we are looking for support, we feel needy. Lower levels of consciousness come from a place of need.

To immediately gain a new sense of empowerment all we need do is focus our eyes upward. This may seem simplistic but that is because it is a very simple process and it works. When we feel empowered we naturally look upwards. This is the reason higher levels of consciousness cause us to radiate because we are so energized. Instead of feeling needy we add value to the creation around us.

There are many ways that masters have used to quickly raise not only their own consciousness but also that of their followers. Using ideas of heaven, higher selves, etc. The use of raised altars, stages and podiums cause us to automatically look and focus our consciousness upward. This can cause an immediate feeling of empowerment to come over us. We can arrange our environment in ways that focus our attention up and we will effectively raise our consciousness.

Our sense of smell is also a very powerful stimulus that can assist in raising our consciousness to levels of empowerment. If you enjoy the scents of roses and flowers, take notice of how these scents cause you to automatically look upwards. Incense, etc. work just as well. What we enjoy may not be what someone else enjoys. It is therefore difficult to make a blanket statement such as, “jasmine will raise your consciousness”. Odors that we do not enjoy cause us to cringe and we, usually, naturally look downward.

Then there is the power of music. Some music fills us with feelings of love, joy or peace. This music therefore causes us to look upward and can be used to entrain our consciousness to empowered states.

Filling the scenery around us with beautiful objects, sounds, smells etc. helps raise our consciousness to levels of empowerment.

More soon.

Loving Light,

David Lee Williamson

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